This year we were invited to take part in the event “The Company Week”, organized by UXER School Madrid. The purpose of this talk was getting in touch with students that had just finished their Bootcamp and were ready to step into their first professional adventure.

We are very thankful as all these initiatives are great opportunities for us, designers, to show who we are, what we do and what we aim for. For sure, this is a perfect chance to contribute to our personal growth and improve soft skills. We are thinkers, researchers, creators, leaders… So what is nicer than sharing all this knowledge to inspire others? This becomes even more rewarding when you realize that your are helping new designers that are just starting in the UX field, or people who have decided to make the brave decision to completely switch careers.

One of the things I like most about my job is helping others achieve their goals and become better. When people ask how I got here and what phases and steps I had to take, they are not only expecting guidance or advice, they are also expecting empathy and understanding from us. That is why these types of events are so powerful. The main thing here is not talking or showing, it is more about initiating conversations and establishing connections. A tool to generate confidence and to make these new starters feel that they are on the right track. Basically, you all are now in the same place we were a few years ago so… Just go for it! 💪

Moreover, when we think about the value that companies and teams get from this, we can say that the impact is high. This is a way to contribute to both company and team visibility, to take part in the design community and create links with potential hires. In Liferay we have several teams to focus on the different design areas, so we structured this session to present all our pillars and introduce ourselves as the diverse and varied team we are.

We have the whole session recorded, have a look and let us know what you think!

Liferay Design: A powerful and diverse team Min 02:00
Brief intro to who we are and what we do.

Humanizing a techie environment Min 12:25
How we are bringing DXP closer to non-technical users.

Designing development tools Min 19:15
Uge talks about Liferay Cloud and how to approach development tools.

The importance of a robust design system Min 31:12
David introduces Lexicon and its application by product teams.

Research - before and after. Min 41:14
Miriam talks about our research department and how teams take advantage of it.

Click here to see the recording UXER School - Liferay Design video thumbnail

We greatly appreciate UXER School for this invitation and everyone who took part in this. And of course, all the best to all the students that were finishing the course. I am sure we will see you out there very soon!


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